seems like lately I have just not had the time to do any sewing and
when I sat back and realized that fact I also realized how much I
missed it. I decided that this last week I would definitely be fixing
that situation so I got out some of the patterns I have been hording
and picked through my stash of fabrics and found some things that I
felt would work together.
have a couple more things cut out and in various stages of
completeness but I did finish 2 dresses so I thought I would share
them with you all here today. Both of these are made with patterns
from Liberty Jane and they are both patterns for a sewing challenge
on a doll sewing group I am on this month.

you sew for your 18” dolls and haven't discovered the patterns by
Liberty Jane I do urge you to check them out. The Liberty Jane
patterns for the most part are very contemporary and look like what
the girls of today are or want to wear. Many of the styles are
greatly influenced by the very stars the pre-teen and teen girls love
to watch. The patterns are for the most part are very fitted and can
be too snug on some dolls (in fact the green dress pictured here was
too tight for my American Girl dolls- more on that later) The nice
people at Liberty Jane even have some free patterns so you can try
them out before you actually spend any money. Also for the last few
months they are having their fans vote on some choices and then the
winning pattern from that group has been free on Fridays. Just follow
either their blog or their Facebook page to learn the details. If I
remember correctly both of these patterns were part of previous
onto the patterns and the dresses I made with them. Like I said I
have been hording patterns of late so I figured I had better get
started using some of them. I belong to an online sewing group for
the 18” dolls and we have what is called a sew-along each month.
For this sew-along we are given one, two or more pattern choices at
the beginning of the month and we have until the end of the month to
make up the pattern and post pictures. It is so much fun to see how
different everyone of the outfits turn out. I haven't had much time
to sew lately so I have gotten to participate in a couple of months.
This month I decided to get started right away so I could get at
least some sewing done.

first dress I made was this green one the pattern is called “Aspen's
Party Dress” and according to the pattern it is rated as requiring
a medium sewing skill level. The pattern shows a couple of suggested
variations on the dress. I knew since this has a rather full skirt
and is completely lined I wanted to pick a fabric that was very
lightweight and that draped really nicely. I pulled out this green
fabric that I have had in my stash for at least 4 or 5 years. I
picked it up at a little independent fabric store because it was just
so pretty. I have no information on the fabric I am not even sure of
the content of the fibers in it. I love the pretty flowers and the
embroidery on it too. I made the pattern exactly by the directions
and it came out a bit too snug for my American Girl dolls, I had a
feeling it would when I started though. I knew if that was the case
it would fit Jazmin, my Our Generation doll because she is much
slimmer than the other dolls. For the lining for this dress I wanted
something light colored and again very drape-able, I happened to
notice that I still have some really lightweight unbleached muslin on
hand from a project about 20 years ago, it worked perfectly. Being
off white instead of pure white I think it blends with the green a
lot better and it doesn't change the appearance of the green fabric
either. This pattern did sew up pretty quickly, just from reading
some of the directions it was a bit confusing but a glance at the
photos and I knew exactly what they meant. I think if I make it up
again in the future I will make a couple of changes. First I will add
just a bit to the circumference of the entire dress so it will fit
the American Girl dolls and I will cut the skirt lining a bit shorter
than the over-skirt so it is easier to hide it. On the cover picture
on the pattern they used a really pretty embroidered ribbon for the
sash and on one of the variations they showed some cool beading that
could be used. I decided to just use my fabric for the sash because I
didn't want to detract from the design of it.

next dress, the pink one, is from the pattern “Sandy Lane Maxi
Dress” and I am loving how it turned out! It is kind of funny
because when I had looked at the cover photo on the pattern I really
didn't think I was going to like it at all. I only got the pattern
because it was free and then only made it because it was part of the
sew-along. The fabric I used has been in my stash for about 21 years,
I made a dress from it for my daughter when she was a baby and still
had a large chunk of it left. I remember I got it at a sale at Dasiy
Kingdom, when they used to have a store here. I sure do miss that
store and the wonderful fabrics they had. Anyway this fabric has a
very pale pink background with some tiny little yellow, dark pink and
blue flowers on it. I decided that the version of the dress with the
tiered skirt was the one I wanted to make and I am so glad I did, I
think that is what makes this dress so cute. The pattern had 2
suggestions for the straps to either braid narrow pieces of fabric or
make plain straps and knot them just above the front of the dress. I
started to do the knotted version and decided I wanted to add a bead
in place of the knot. I chose some off white pony beads, I really
wanted pink ones but didn't have a pink I thought looked right. I am
glad I did the ones I did though in the end I think they are perfect.
If I make another dress like this I might actually do 3 beads on each
strap I think that would be really cute too. This pattern was also
made exactly by the pattern and it fits the American Girl dolls just
fine, so you do have to watch the patterns and do some measuring
before you commit your fabric.
several more outfits cut out so watch this space for a few more posts
of what I am getting sewed.