Friday, January 31, 2014

Cookie Baking Day

Last night Molly,  my very best friend in the whole world stayed overnight.

When we got up this morning first we had breakfast, neither one of us is really a morning person so it was really nice to be able to sleep in today. 

Mom put out some of our favorites so we could choose what we wanted to eat this morning.

We all had a hard time choosing what to eat.

Molly thought those doughnuts looked really good.

I think I might go for an English muffin with some jam and butter.

Molly do you want some milk or juice to drink?

Milk sounds really good with a doughnut!

Michael, wait your turn!!!

After we got dressed we decided to bake some cookies. Here are some pictures we took as the day went by.
Molly what do you want to do today?

How about we bake some cookies?

That would be fun, and Valentine's Day is coming up so let's make some for that.

That sounds like fun. Maybe we should have a Valentine's party and invite our friends over tomorrow!

I am so happy to use our new aprons today!

I feel like a real chef with this apron on.

Me too.

We even have oven mitts to match our aprons.

You have to be careful not to roll the dough too thin

First batch ready for the oven.

I sure hope these turn out good.

There safely in the oven, now we just have to wait until they are baked.

Do you think they are done? The timer went off.

They look perfect!

Well, now that we have the second pan in the oven let's take a short break.

They do look really yummy!

How should we decorate them?

Michael, you stay away from our cookies! Those are for the party tomorrow!

Those came out so pretty

I can't wait until the party tomorrow to try them.


  1. Joanne, how absolutely adorable your blog is!!! You've done lots and lots of work with your "kids"!! I'm sooo pleased you're a member of the SGOT AG group ;)

  2. are you going to do a tut on them? I love your story :)

  3. Great Blog, Joanne! Love the story board.

  4. Love it! The little kitchen scene is adorable! I picked up a vintage toy stove recently that I think I can use in my scenes, too. I really like your kitchen island. I'm going to have to make my girls one, too.

  5. are you planning to do a tutorial on the stove and dishwasher? I would love to see how they are made and then scale it down for my 1/12 dollhouse. Love your story and projects.
