Izzy and I got in the pool before anyone else arrived. Michael was
going to come out when we did but he had to stop and clean his room
up before mom let him join the fun.
Jazmin, Jeremy and Maria all showed up at the same time that Michael
got to come out. We we so glad to see everyone.

we were having fun mom was busy in the kitchen getting some burgers
and fries ready for us. She even found those cute paper baskets like
at the burger places for us to use!
were sure hungry after all that fun in the water but mom made use
wait until we were all the way dried off before we could come into
the house for food. She said she didn't want any puddles tracked in.
was girls first and Molly jumped right in and fixed her burger. She
was so happy mom had gotten lots of pickles. Molly loves pickles I
wouldn't be surprised to see her skip the meat and cheese and just
have the pickles on the bun sometime.
wanted hers with just the meat and some ketchup. She says she likes
it that way. No fancy toppings for her.
stayed in the kitchen to help the two little girls with their
burgers. That way mom got a chance to sit down and eat in peace.
was picky about which meat patty she got, she wanted hers to be
cooked just perfect.
wanted some of everything except onions. She says onions are icky!
boys went last and it is a good thing because when they were done
there wasn't much left. I think they both took two meat patties along
with all the remaining toppings!
was such a fun day. Tomorrow school starts and since Izzy and Maria
are both in first grade this year they will be walking to school and
back with us. It is going to be a long walk at first for both of
them. I'll try to check back in next week and tell you how our new year at school is going.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Woah! This post is so interesting! I remember going to one of the San Francisco venues last year for an exhibition where dummies and dolls were kept like humans and some actually looked a lot very real. This post reminded me that. Nice one!