Friday, May 3, 2024

Doll Size Bagel Bites


Watch the video here.

This week we are continuing with our theme of snacks for the 18” dolls, with some Bagel Bites. I know these are pretty common in the US, I’m not sure if they are in the rest of the world. If you aren’t familiar with these the are simply mini bagels that have been cut, spread with pizza sauce, and topped with some cheese and optionally with a few pieces of pepperoni. (at least those are the only 2 varieties I am familiar with) They are sold frozen and can be heated up in the microwave or oven to cook. I know growing up my kid’s loved them so I thought the dolls might like them also.

For the bagel part of the of our project I am using Original Sculpey. This is a relative soft whitish polymer clay. After conditioning the clay roll a snake about ½” in diameter. Then cut ¾” long pieces from this snake. Each section of clay you cut will make 2 bagel bites.

After cutting the clay roll each piece of clay into a ball. Once the balls are rolled place them one at a time onto a piece of sandpaper and use you finger to flatten the balls a bite. Try to get them about ¾” in diameter and around ½” thick. Once all are flattened I used a Phillips head screwdriver to make the hole in the middle of each side. Don’t go all the way through just make some shape.

The next step is to use a yellow ocher artist chalk to color the entire outside of each bagel. Then follow up with some rust colored artist chalk. This will take that white clay and make it looked like it has been baked.

The next step is to place the bagels in the freezer for about 15 minutes. This will firm the clay enough so we can slice them easily without loosing the round shape. Don’t leave them in there too much longer than 15 minutes though you don’t want to try to cut clay that is frozen solid. If yours get too hard just let them sit at room temperature for a couple of minutes.

Use a clay blade to cut each bagel into 2 halves.

If you want to add some “pepperoni” to your bagel bites just mix some red polymer clay with about the same amount of a dark brown polymer clay to get a cooked pepperoni color then roll it into a thin sheet and cut tiny bits from it.

Then bake the clay pieces at the temperature recommended for the clay you are using for 15 minutes. Allow them to cool to room temperature.

One of the things I wanted to do with this tutorial this week was to use craft paints instead of liquid clay for the sauce and the cheese. In order to do that I am mixing in additives to give the paint more texture than it would normally have.

For the pizza sauce I first needed to mix my red color here is a picture of the paints I used to create the color. If you have a red color that you like for your sauce go ahead and use that. Since I didn’t have a color I thought was really right for this I mixed in colors until I reached the color I had in mind.

 Once you have the color you want add some white sand to the paint to thicken it and give it some texture. This will make the sauce look a bit more realistic.

Paint your sauce paint over the tops of your bagels, concentrating on the outside of the top of each bagel. Allow the paint to dry.

To make the melted cheese I used a cream color craft paint mixed with a bit of satin Mod Podge. Then I added enough cornstarch to the paint mixture to thicken it slightly, you just want it to start to thicken.

Then all you have to do is apply a coat of the “melted cheese” to the top of each bagel bite. If you are adding “pepperoni” just place it on top of the wet cheese paint. Allow this to dry completely.

Now we simply need a coat of satin Mod Podge over the tops of each bagel bite. Allow this to dry.

And just like that the dolls can add some Bagel Bites to their snack.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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