Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Doll Size Snake Plant

This week I decided to do something a bit different for our project. I love how houseplants in the real world make a room feel more lived in and comfortable. I love to add plants to my dollhouse miniature scenes so I thought it was time we started adding some simple plants to our 18” doll scenes.

The snake plant is one of my favorite plants to show how to make because it is so simple to make it look realistic. Also it is one of the few houseplants that I have much luck with. You see as much as I love plants I am famous for killing my plants. At least the snake plant has a chance of survival under my care.

In order to make this project really easy for you to make I created a PDF pattern sheet (actually 2 sheets) and you can find the page 1 here and page 2 here. You can download the files to your computer and print them to use for the project. Be sure to print them at 100% and to check that the test square measures 1”.

You will need something to use as a plant pot, I used one of those disposable condiment cups from the dollar store.
Some foam to fill the cup, I used the builder's foam I have on hand but styrofoam or floral foam would also work.
Dried coffee grounds.
Tacky Glue
Mod Podge
Dark green paint
A medium or light greyish green paint
A yellow paint
A brown paint
Paint brushes
18 ga floral wire
Wire cutters
Ceramic tile (or other surface to work on)
Wet Wipes
Plain white printer paper
Spray Matte sealer
Something to hold the leaves while they dry

The drying rack that I used to hold my leaves while they dried is one I made a few years ago I have a video on how to make it if you would like to make one too. You can find that video on my dollhouse miniatures channel here.

I like to use a spray sealer on my projects like this to make them look more finished, the one I used is a matte finish and can be found with the craft paint at the craft store. Just be sure to use it outside and read the instructions on the label.

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