Friday, August 16, 2024

Doll Size Deviled Eggs (plus sliced hard boiled eggs)


Watch the video here.

This week I decided to make some deviled eggs for the dolls and since they take the same clay colors and I had a request for hard boiled egg slices I did those at the same time.

We only need a couple of colors of clay for these two projects. A very pale yellow and a white/translucent mixture. About the white/translucent mixture, this is just what the name implies I mix equal parts of white polymer clay and translucent polymer clay. I use this particular combination so much I keep some mixed in my clay stash pretty much all the time. When I find a good deal on clay I pick up a block of each and spend some time mixing them thoroughly. Then whenever I need to use this I have it on hand.

Roll the pale yellow into a snake that is ½” in diameter to begin. Then using a set of double craft sticks as a thickness guide roll the white/translucent into a sheet about 1/8” thick. 






Use the sheet of clay to just cover the snake of clay trimming and butting the edge so that there is no overlap.




 Now carefully roll the covered snake of clay to reduce it to ½” in diameter. Once you have the snake the diameter we need it place the snake in the freezer for about 15 minutes to help firm the clay.


Once the 15 minutes is up the clay should be very cold and much firmer than when it went into the freezer. Now it is time to carefully cut slices from the cane. Use your clay blade and with a rolling motion carefully slice off as many slices as you wish. I like to rough up the yellow yolk area a bit with the tip of my clay blade to give it a more realistic look. Now bake the slices at the temperature recommended for the clay you are using for 10 minutes and cool to room temperature.

Any extra egg cane can be wrapped in a clay safe wrapping and stored in a safe place until you need it again.

An optional step to give these a more realistic appearance is to give just the white portion of the baked slices a very thin coat of Mat Mod Podge. This will give just the hint of a shine like the real egg slices have.

Now onto the deviled eggs.

Start with some more of the same white/translucent clay mix we used earlier. This time make some ½” balls each ball will give one egg and therefore 2 deviled eggs (just like in real life). Once you have the number of clay balls made very carefully use your fingers and the palm of your hand to make that ball into an egg shape. In the end you want the egg to be around ½” at the fat end gently tapering just a bit and around 5/8” long. The shape needs to be very gradual and gently.

Once you have your egg shapes make move them to the freezer to firm up. This time for about 20 minutes. They will need enough time to become firm but not so frozen that you can’t cut through them safely.

Once they are firm carefully cut the eggs in half to form the half egg shapes. Use your fingers to gently correct the shape as needed. I do like to flatten the rounded bottom so that they sit a bit better but that is personal preference.

Once you are happy with the shape of your egg whites it is time to make the filling. Start with a ball of the same yellow clay that is just under ¼” in diameter. Flatten it on your work surface then use a tiny clay tool (I’m using a small dotting tool) start to work on the texture, paying attention to bottom edge of the dome shape. You want the bottom of the shape to be flat so it sits on the egg and looks like it goes down into the hole where the yolk came out.

Now move the filling to the egg half and continue to texture the top of the filling as much as you wish.

Once you have your eggs filled bake the clay at the recommended temperature for about 20 minutes and allow to cool to room temperature.



Once cooled give a coat of the same Mat Mod Podge to just the egg whites just like we did with the slices and allow to dry.



And there we have our finished deviled eggs on the plate with some of our other foods we have made recently. I even sliced a few more slices of the egg cane and stacked them to lay on the salad.



As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.


  1. You have did it again. The eggs look so real. I would like to put paprika on the filling for the deviled eggs but not sure how to do it.

  2. I would also like to see how you make hotdogs with onions and the works like in one of the thumb nails. Thought the onions could be put in the salad also.thsnks do much

    1. I have a really old tutorial on the blog for the hot dogs from before I started doing videos on the 18" doll channel. I could probably do a video on them in the future with h improvements.
