Friday, August 23, 2024

Doll Size Potato Salad


Watch the video here.

This week I wanted to add some potato salad to the doll’s table. This is a fairly easy project and we can use some of the items we have made in the past to make it even better.

Our first step is to create the ingredients for the potato salad. I started with some cubes of white clay (I just used some Original Sculpey, any white or almost white clay will work) I rolled it out to be around ¼” thick then quickly cut it up into cubes around ¼” some were smaller some were bigger.

Since I almost always add some pickles, celery and hard boiled eggs to my potato salad they were next.

Now if you have make any of those food items from my prior tutorials and have some of the clay from those left in your stash this is a great place to use it up. If not do what I did with the celery and pickles, I mixed some clays to give me colors that were close and cut those up into fairly small chunks. (about 1/8” cubes)

For the hard boiled egg chunks I used some the left over cane from last week's tutorial and cut some slices (about ¼” thick) then cut those into pieces each.


All the clay was then baked at recommended temperature for 10 minutes and cooled to room temperature.



Once the clay is ready we need a bowl to put our potato salad into. You could use another of the small bowls like we used for the green salad that would be lovely. I’m using this small cup from the Dollar Tree fruit cups. These are smaller than the ones from the grocery store so they are pretty much the perfect size to use as a serving bowl. All you need to so is wash them and carefully cut the rim off.

Now we can make the “dressing” that will hold our potato salad together. For that I think it is important to mix and store this in a container with a lid so it will stay fluid while we are working. The dressing is simply a mix of white craft paint, a touch of a light yellow craft paint and some Mod Podge. Mix the paint colors together until you have a creamy colored mixture then add some Mat Mod Podge to thin it out. I think I used about twice to three times as much Mod Podge as paint.

Working in batches add enough of the potato cubes to a mixing container to fill the serving bowl about 1/3 of the way. Add a few of each of the green cubes and any other colors of cubes you wish to add to yours (maybe some red for red pepper) I am holding off on the egg pieces until the top layer so that they will show up. Now add just enough of the paint/Mod Podge mixture to coat everything lightly. Don’t go too heavy you want to be able to see the colors of the clay through the dressing.

Once thoroughly coated put the mixture into your serving bowl and let it dry for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Now repeat this until the bowl is almost full. Adding some of the egg pieces to the top layer. By working in layers the paint mixture will get a better chance of getting dry.

Be sure to cover your paint mixture between layers.

Once the bowl is filled the way you want it let it dry overnight.

The next day I coated some more of the egg pieces with the same paint mixture and added them to the top of the salad where I felt like they would look nice.



Now using a small brush apply some spots of the paint mixture across the top of the salad and immediately add a dusting of a dark reddish-brown chalk to look like paprika sprinkled over the salad. Let it dry again.


I think our potato salad makes a nice addition to our doll foods we have been making lately. They have quite the spread for their summer meal don’t they??






As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much

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