Friday, August 30, 2024

Doll Size Mini Donuts


Watch the video here.

This week I thought we should make another entry into the snack cake collection so I picked one of my favorites the powdered mini donuts. I think most of the snack cake brands have these under different names but I’m pretty sure they are all the same size and look pretty much the same. The ones I picked up to use for my model were the Hostess brand.

This is a super easy clay project using minimal tools. I am using some Original Sculpey for mine because for this project the off white color works really well.

First step (after conditioning your clay) is to roll a snake that is ½” in diameter. Then cut that snake into pieces that are 3/8” long. Each piece will make 1 mini donut. Roll the piece of clay into a ball. I like to use the palms of my hands for this project because then the ball has a bit of texture. Once you have balls of clay one at a time flatten the balls using your finger in the palm of your hand until you have a rounded disk shape that is about ½” in diameter and about 3/8” tall.

Now time to make the hole in the center of the donuts. For this I am using a Phillips Screwdriver bit. Just an average size one. This will give that shape to the hole that these donuts always seem to have. You can use a screwdriver bit like I am or an actual screwdriver whatever you have on hand. (do make sure it is clean since you don’t want to transfer anything to the clay) Press the screwdriver into the top side of the clay piece then flip the clay over and press it in the center from the other side. Repeat this until you are happy with the way the hole looks.

Next we are going to add the “cooked” color to the outside of the donuts. For this we only need to use the Yellow Ocher colored artist chalk. Just brush the chalk over the entire surface of the donuts. Once we cover our donuts with the powder sugar we won’t see very much of this but if this step is skipped you will notice a difference in the finished look of the donuts.

Now it is time to bake the donuts at the temperature recommended on your package of clay for about 10 minutes. Allow the clay to cool to room temperature.

For the powdered sugar coating on the donuts we are going to use white artist chalk. You will need probably more than you think, it does take a bit of the chalk to give a nice thick coating. Use a knife to scrape the chalk dust into a small container. Then working with one donut at a time coat the donut with some Mat Mod Podge using a brush. Then plop the donut into the container of white chalk dust and run it around until it is completely coated.

Put the donut onto a non-stick surface (like wax paper) and allow to dry. Repeat with all the donuts. Once they are dry you can add more chalk the same way if needed. I was lucky and got good coverage with the first coat.

If you have a lot of excess chalk coming off the donuts a careful crushing with a very soft paint brush will help.

And there they are mini donuts for the dolls to enjoy!



And since I love to take pictures of the doll size food next to the real one here is that view.



As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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