Friday, February 19, 2021

Let's Sew Doll Clothes part 3


Watch the video here.



This week I start off by trying to show the basic parts of my sewing machine and how to thread it. I do apologize for the bad angles. I actually filmed the first part multiple times trying to get a better angle.

Then we move on to the sewing of our shorts. The first step is to do some basic marking on the fabric. I used this marking chalk, I love mine and have had it for at least 20 years.

Then on to the sewing we only do a couple of seams and I did struggle with where to put the camera. If anyone has any ideas for me to try for camera placement let me know. I know the angle this week is not great, just the best I could come up with. Remember I live alone so no helper to hold the camera and my tripod only has certain angles and heights it can be set at.

For hem we did a very simple folded up hem with no edge finish. This will work fine on this garment and has the advantage that it won't add any bulk. On later projects we will do some more “proper” hems.

Because of the camera in my way I did make a bit of a mistake on the crotch seam but that allowed me to show you how to fix it. So it was all good in the end.

If you have any questions be sure to ask me.

See you next week.

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